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Wonderful Works Ministry

Supports the disability ministry mission through the creation of no-cost digital resources, including the resources available on this website. They also offer free disability ministry online coaching and speak at national ministry conferences. Wonderful Works Ministry is passionate about equipping churches to serve families affected by disability.

Church of the Nazarene

The Church of the Nazarene is a Great Commission church. As a global community of faith, we are commissioned to take the good news of life in Jesus Christ to people everywhere, and to spread the message of scriptural holiness across the lands.


The Church of the Nazarene bonds together individuals who have made Jesus Christ Lord of their lives, sharing in Christian fellowship, and seeking to strengthen each other in faith development through worship, preaching, training, and service to others.


We strive to express the compassion of Jesus Christ to all persons along with our personal commitment to Christlike living. While the primary motive of the church is to glorify God, we also are called to actively participate in His mission- reconciling the world to Himself.

Want to Support Our Mission?

The Adapted Discipleship Library was made possible through funding through the Lilly Endowment and was created in collaboration between Wonderful Works Ministry and the Church of the Nazarene. To help continue growing the work of the disability ministry mission, please consider giving today.

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